NLY Mission Trip 2024 Info and Registration

Please review the important details and information in our Mission Trip Printed Packet before registering your student! You can receive that packet from Mia Spickler, our Youth Director.

Registration Details(Due by MAY 19TH):

There are two online registration forms you will need to fill-out prior to your student attending the mission trip.

Registration is due by May 19th and a $50 deposit is due with registration.

  1. New Life Bible Church Mission Trip Registration for New Life Youth Students: Click here

  2. Christ For the City International Registration:

    Please follow the important below steps.

    1. Please go to this registration link: Click Here

    2. Here is the password needed: urbanplunge

    3. You will then need these registration numbers:

      Please make sure to copy and paste these numbers into the registration form so that it is not rejected.

      Organization ID: 001Nt000004ZRTUIA4

      Trip ID: 701Nt000004ZXrdIAG

    4. Please check the "Yes" box to indicate that you want your team leader to receive a copy of your registration.

For any questions about the Mission Trip and registration, please contact Mia Spickler: 469-733-2722/mia@newlifebible. church


NLY Omaha Mission Trip Video


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