Sunflowers & Weeds
Sunflowers make me smile and grimace at the same time. I love that fact that our 13 acres of Sunflowers have blessed our communities for two years now. So many smiles and a ton of appreciation has been shown for New Life as we have planted the sunflowers for picture opportunities and for beautiful bouquets to give away. But this year has also frustrated me to no end… Our Sunflower field has so many weeds! The weeds have literally overtaken the sunflowers in many areas of our field. The weeds have taken a lot the joy out of it for me. I have expressed my frustration a little bit, but not entirely…. I talked with a local business owner last night and he told me “people love the sunflowers and they are a blessing, don’t worry so much about the little bit of weeds”. His words ran through my mind as I walked the property today and as I write this post. John 10:10 popped into my head this morning too… and it says:
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10 (NIV)
When I read this, I see that the enemy has tried to steal my joy from the beauty that God has given us. And that I need to see that beauty and see it to the full! Through the weeds , there is and abundant amount of Beauty! The same goes in life. We may have a ton of “weeds” in our life that are distracting us from the beauty that God has given us in abundance. I encourage you today, to see the beauty through the weeds. See the abundance and not the distractions.
Yes, our field is full of weeds and sunflowers that are quickly fading and past their prime beauty… But guess what? In a few weeks the birds will be eating the seeds and filling our field with beautiful sounds of birds singing… More abundance! More Joy! More Peace! I love this place! God is blessing His people… Watch for it! And embrace it.
Have a super day!
Pastor Tim