Lifescape Info
Hey New Life!
We wanted to communicate a couple of upcoming events to you. They both pertain to a program called Lifescape which offers many services to seniors along with one you may know about; Meals on Wheels.
The first event is this coming Saturday (9/23) in Rockford at the RVC PE Center from 9am to 3pm. This is a Sr. Expo featuring guest speakers so you can learn more about what they have to offer.
The second event will be Tuesday, October 3rd at 8am right here at the church during coffee hour. We will be welcoming in Christa Reiter who is a rep for the program and will share a bit of what they have to offer. You do not have to be a senior to attend this presentation!
See the attachments below for more info on the upcoming events as well as some more info on what Lifescapes has to offer. Contact/See Al Butler for more information.